Can We Help Each Other Change?

Couples who are coming into counseling to deal with anger in their relationship often wonder:  Is this really going to help?   Will the therapist be able to help my partner see things differently?  Will this be worth the time and effort?

To me, it seems to be a question of hope.  Is there hope?  Yes, there is.  Hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:5) but the answers to our questions might be disappointing. We can’t change our loved ones and they can’t change us. The hope lies in learning that we can help each other change by changing ourselves.

For example, asking ourselves questions like this: What was I doing right before the temper flare?  Was I pushing buttons?  Was I criticizing or yelling?  Was I stonewalling?   Realizing that tempers are not lost in a “vacuum,” we look for the extenuating circumstances.

When we start to look at the big picture and at our part in the big picture, we begin to understand what we can do to help our loved one solve what we’ve been thinking of as “their” problem.  It begins to become an “our” problem.

Taking this position of helping each other change is one sure way to make therapy worth the time and effort. If we can recognize the triggers that lead to our partner’s losing their temper, we can learn ways of coping that will be more effective.  An equally important piece of the puzzle is learning their buttons, choosing not to push them, and letting the other person walk away when they need to.  When we learn more effective ways of communicating, we’ll be more successful  when we sit down and try to solve a problem.

If we think that we’re just an innocent bystander and the conflict is all about our partner, we might want to spend some time asking God to show us our blind spots. Or we could even ask our partner what they think we contribute to their temper flare ups. When we are able to control our anxiety and consider another person’s point of view, we can learn something  important about our relationship journey.  Controlling our anxiety and agreeing to hear constructive criticism isn’t easy but it can be done, especially when our partner is willing to offer their thoughts in a kind and gentle way.

John Gottman, in his work at the University of Washington, says that if you can allow your partner to influence you and if your partner can gently share their opinions, you’re well on your way to a healthy relationship. And a healthy relationship can tackle many mountains, including the anger mountain–when you’re doing it together.

“Survival Kit for Stepparents”

  1. Give up the belief that there’s only one RIGHT way to do things. Be willing to consider new possibilities and other ways of looking at the world.
  2. Try to stay in the present moment, rather than letting yourself slip back into the past or drift into the future. Focus on things you have some control over.
  3. Accept an appropriate amount of responsibility for maintaining a comfortable and safe emotional “climate” in your home, but don’t get stuck in managing every detail. 
  4. Recognize that everyone gets to feel the way they feel, but make and enforce rules that ensure that people act in ways that are fair and respectful.
  5. Develop stepparent/stepchild roles gradually and thoughtfully, with the original parent primarily in charge of his/her children, while people are getting used to the changes.
  6.  Accept that parents and their original children will always have a special bond, and that this isn’t necessarily a threat to the newly developing family.
  7.  Resist overburdening particular days or events (birthdays, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, graduations, etc.). Instead, focus on creating good long-term feelings and memories.
  8.  Arrange to have some time alone as a couple EVERY DAY– time to share information, plan and, most important, pay attention to your relationship.
  9.  Insist on some individual time EACH DAY for taking care of yourself.  Adults who are responsible for meeting the needs of their children and others on a daily basis can’t run on empty.
  10.  When things look as if they’re getting out of hand, take a deep breath and try to remember which people in the family are the grown-ups and which ones are the kids. Then try hard to behave like a grown-up – and expect the other grown-ups to do so as well.

“Hold Me Tight Can Be Good For Couples”

  1. Get two copies of the book so that each of you has your own personal copy and, if you want to make notes of your responses and ideas in it, you can.
  2. Approach your reading together with “a teachable spirit.”  As you consider your relationship, agree that you’ll refrain from staying too much in your head or repeating old, unhelpful patterns of thought. Be willing to go to your heart.
  3. Take your time.  Read the book aloud to each other, one brief section (about 3-5 pages) of a chapter each day. As one of you reads aloud, the other can follow along in his or her own copy of the book so that the ideas are coming in both through your ears and your eyes. Given the busy lives most couples have, it’s realistic to allow three or four months in which to read the book in this manner.  Agree that you will stay together, reading at the same pace.
  4. When you’ve read the day’s section, talk to each other about what things caught your attention and why these are meaningful to you.  Consider the questions the author raised.
  5. Let yourselves fully enter into the stories of the couples in the book. Try reading them as if you were in a play, speaking the lines to each other. It can be surprising and empowering to hear yourself and your partner saying words that, in your own relationship, tend to lead to a meltdown. You’ll find that using a ‘script’ can increase your ‘awareness capacity’ — the ability to observe your own negative patterns of communication in real time. When you can see the patterns, you can change them – transforming problematic interaction into communication that is grounded in mutual respect and creates greater closeness. You can move from “stand-off” to “stand together.”

(For a similar and specifically Christian book, see Safe Haven Marriage by Sharon Hart-Morris and Archibald Hart.)  More information about Susan Johnson’s book is available at:;

Johnson, S. (2008) Hold Me Tight. Lebanon, IN: Hachette Book Group/Little, Brown and Company.

Parenting Teens and Social Media

It is important for parents to establish an open dialogue about the appropriate and safe use of social media, texting and cell phones. Parents need to be aware of the negatives of social media, including cyberbullying and sexting, which pose a significant threat to teens online.  As a parent, you can help your teens be smart about what they put online.  Be aware also of the positive side of social media.  Many teens say that it helps them feel more confident and is important in their relationships with friends.  Additionally, some teens use social media for social good (Wallace, 2013).

  • Parents have a responsibility to set guidelines for when, where, and how much technology is appropriate for their teens. These can include:
  • Writing a contract defining how your teen can use social media.  Outlining consequences.
  • Using parental controls and filters on computers to screen inappropriate content.
  • ·Cautioning teens to not accept friend requests from people they don’t know.
  • Knowing your teens’ passwords.
  • Limiting computer use to common spaces in the home.
  • Keeping the conversation open with your teens.

Social media and technology change rapidly so parents need to be smart. Talk to your teen about their computer and social media habits.  Expect and encourage your teen to talk to you when they have a concern.  Remind your teen that you love them and you want to understand them.  To learn more, go to:,,,, and (Carroll, & Kirkpatrick, 2011).

Carroll, J.A. & Kirkpatrick, R.L. (2011). Impact of social media on adolescent behavioral health.  Oakland, CA: California Adolescent Health Collaborative.  Retrieved July 31, 2014, from:

Davidson, L. (2013).  Moms, you oughta know:  11 social media apps teens are using now.  Retrieved July 31, 2014 from:

Felsenthal Stewart, R. (2014).  Social Media: What parents must know.  Retrieved July 31, 2014 from:

Pew Research Internet Project.  (2012).  Teens Fact Sheet.  Retrieved July 31, 2014 from:

Wallace, K. (2013).  The upside of selfies: Social media isn’t all bad for kids.  Retrieved July 31, 2014 from:

Geltman, J.  (2014).  A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens.  New York, NY: AMACOM.

Levkoff, L., & Wider, J.  (2014).  got teens?  The Doctor Moms’ Guide to Sexuality, Social Media, and Other Adolescent Realities.  Berkeley CA: Seal Press.

“Showing Up” – A Mission Year in Bolivia

In Bolivia, my wife Kathy and I lived as volunteers, spending most of our time with children who were living in orphanages. It was freeing to serve in a way where we were “extra.” It gave us a lot of time to think about what it means to “show up” with regularity in the lives of children who don’t really have enough adult attention in their everyday lives. In the first week of my study of counseling, someone articulated a principle that I often thought of while we lived in Cochabamba: “Don’t do for another something they can do for themselves.” Perhaps one related story holds within it many of the new elements I returned with from a year of mission. One of the first tasks Kathy and I had when we visited one orphanage was helping the children fold the clean laundry. Having the boys and girls gradually learn to do for themselves is an important value in this home for children with physical disabilities.

During our first day there, I noticed how much Ruperta was trying to help us. She was nine years old, very alive, and confined to a wheel chair. She had an ability to smile with her whole face. If you know kids, you would be surprised at the level of investment in this activity that these kids have. I watched Ruperta attempt to turn a shirt inside out, which was mighty difficult because she was not able to control the movements of her hands with any precision. Together, we found a way to do this task and fold laundry together. Ruperta would hold her arm out toward me, and I would push the inside out arm over her arm, so that she could grasp the end. When I pulled the garment off, we had turned one part inside out, and could repeat this as often as needed.

Ruperta never seemed to get tired of working together in this way. When it came to folding, she grasped a corner of a towel, and waited until I could bring another corner to meet her. With three or four repetitions, the towel was folded. Every week I found out more that Ruperta could accomplish, including closing zippers while I held the garments. She may not have said much, but I wish you could have seen the look in her eyes as we marched through a pile of laundry.

What does it mean to “show up” — to witness, to celebrate the empowering steps you see another take? Therapists do this every day, but they may not highlight this activity as their work. As I returned from Bolivia, I thought that this is probably the heart of our work, and along the way we sometimes make helpful suggestions.

Molly Rogers, who founded the Maryknoll sisters (who devote their lives in service overseas) in 1921, put it this way. “You are not bringing God. You are going to meet God.” In our caring for people, we have a way to meet the Lord, to find God in all things.

Forgiving: A Path for Healing

Forgiveness is not a popular concept in this culture where perfection is over-valued. Our self-esteem is too often measured by how perfect and admired we feel we are. When we find ourselves on either side of the equation — having hurt someone or having been hurt, we face the human reality of our not being perfect. It is hard to accept that there is no possibility of going through life without making mistakes. Yet, it is through acknowledging our mistakes and our vulnerability that we grow deeper in our relationships.

When we ask someone for forgiveness, we become vulnerable. When we acknowledge that we’ve hurt somebody, even without intending to, we are accepting that we are not perfect. It is a risk to do so, because we know we could feel humiliated, rejected or we could lose that person’s love and respect.

The fear of not being loved can prevent us from acknowledging the pain we have caused someone else, but not taking responsibility for that person’s pain does not means it doesn’t exist. When we don’t take that responsibility, we risk damaging or losing the relationship altogether. For example, your spouse’s pain will continue to be there whether you acknowledge your part in it or not. He or she can doubt your love and wonder if their feelings matter to you. While your spouse might try to forgive your hurtful behavior in order to keep peace, resentments could build. I invite you to reflect on these questions:
Remember a time when you hurt somebody. What did you tell yourself about that? What did you do?
Remember a time when you were hurt by somebody close to you. What were your feelings and what did you do?

Humans are emotional beings. When we avoid or hide our emotions, it drains and restricts our capacity to feel a variety of emotions. For example, if I’m filled with anger, it becomes difficult to experience happiness. When we hold on to resentment, we decrease our emotional flexibility. But we can choose to free ourselves by asking for forgiveness or by forgiving those who have hurt us. Forgiveness doesn’t happen quickly. It is a healing process. These are the steps in that process:

  • Recognize you are hurt and recall the details of the event.
  • Explore the feelings under the anger (fear, hurt of being abandoned, unloved, etc.).
  • Ask yourself what the hurt meant to you (i.e. what did I tell myself?).
  • Ask yourself, “What do I need now?” Is what you need attainable?
  • Choose to let go of your anger and move toward forgiveness.
  • Ask God to help you through this process. He wants us to be free.
  • Let Him intercede and invite him to heal you.

In the Shadow of Gun Violence

I was drawing the Giza Plateau, shading the pyramids to convey centuries of desert erosion while trying to keep my extra ebony pencils from rolling off the uneven art table I was sitting at with three other students. It was only second period, intro to line drawing. The class was quiet, students poring over their sketch pads, the soft steps of our instructor traced between the tables as he glanced over our projects. I looked up when I heard the classroom’s television turn on and saw one of the administrators of my small, private high school flipping through channels. She stopped on the local news and took a step back, keeping her back to the class and her eyes locked on the screen. Everyone was watching now; a parking lot full of ambulances, cop cars, crying teenagers. It was breaking news from Littleton, about thirty miles away from my school in Boulder, and the anchor was saying “possibly twenty dead,” “national tragedy,” and “school shooting.” That was April 20th, 1999 and the first time I had ever heard of Columbine High School.

An emergency assembly was called and it was debated whether or not my school’s one hundred students should be sent home or kept on the grounds for our safety. Parents were called, students lined up at the campus’s single pay phone trying to contact family and friends possibly affected by what was happening. Grief counselors were called in the following day and talked to us about what had happened and comforted us as best they could. Our lives had been disrupted, disturbed. I was fortunate in that no one I knew was hurt in that attack, but the doors suddenly felt thin, the walls flimsy, the glass brittle. I felt vulnerable in places that had previously felt safe.

America has a sad history of school related gun violence that goes back to the 1850’s, but Columbine was the worst up to that point and changed everything. It has left an indelible mark upon our country and is still synonymous with feelings of tragedy and anger even fifteen years later. Eventually, my fear subsided and going to class felt like the routine it once had. Eight years after Columbine I was sitting in a lecture hall at a community college in Seattle when the campus alert system engaged and alerted us to a shooting occurring at Virginia Tech, with twice the number of fatalities of Columbine. Then again three years later, as a student at UW, it was a shooting at nearby SPU. I went home those nights with that same sense of vulnerability I had experienced as a teenager, but my relationship to it had changed. I allowed myself to feel it, but I did not allow it to control me.

Gun violence has cast a shadow over nearly my entire educational career and has become a tragic reality for the 48 million children enrolled in our school system. Even our universities are now affected, but frankly, I’m more worried about my low-sleep/high-sugar lifestyle than I am about encountering gun violence. If there is a single message I would convey to a student, regardless of age or institution, it would be, “be aware, be careful, but do not let fear govern your life.” So much of our anxieties revolve around circumstances outside of our control and are not helped one bit by heaping our worries upon them. Life is precious and is better spent studying the things that interest you, pursuing your dreams, and achieving your goals – things that fear will not allow.

Another Kind of Single

Standing in the self-help section of the bookstore at the age of 49, looking for a book on divorce, I felt conspicuous, desperate and in a state of disbelief. I wished that I were invisible.

Once before, years earlier, I had become unexpectedly and painfully single because of my husband’s death. The role of a widow seemed somehow more honorable. Death was clear cut; divorce was not. This is the trajectory no one wants their life to take. Being divorced seemed shameful, tainted with regrets and uncertainty.

Everyone knows that marriage takes daily attention and work. My second husband and I had managed this for many years but eventually we saw that we could not maintain it for a lifetime. We became aware of the destructive nature of our life together. What had been for us the joy of meals, conversation, games of hide and seek, appreciation of the moon and one another had eventually dissipated into disappointment and despair. As much as each of us loved our son, we could see that our marriage relationship was draining our home of its life-giving quality for him – and for us.

To embark on the path of divorce required courage and a great deal of discernment. For us, it wasn’t an easy way out; it was a necessary one. While we were divorcing each other, we were clear about the need to remain connected in order to parent our son well. The losses we all sustained were many.

I believe that our communities have the capacity to support us all–those who are married, those who are divorced, those who have never married, and those who are widowed. We all make choices and life happens to all of us. Whether we are coupled or single, it is our responsibility and our privilege to live a life that speaks of energy and hope, a life that is rich and makes room for meaning. For me, in the various ways I have lived, the one clear and unchanging factor has been my faith. My belief system may shift, but my faith has remained a constant. I have been strengthened and supported in times of scarcity and times of plenty. I give thanks for this and for those who were there with me when I needed someone to listen and care.

In retrospect, if I could speak to that woman who stood in the bookstore feeling so anxious years ago, I would tell her that, yes, there are books that might be helpful — Passionate Marriage by Snarch, Hold Me Tight by Johnson, Anxious to Please by English and Rapson, and The Good Divorce by Aarons. In addition to that, I would advise her to get some exercise each day, try to eat decently and suggest that she would benefit from entering into a practice of daily prayer and meditation.

May God bless us all in all.

Trauma and Recovery

At first glance, there was nothing outstanding about the way she looked. I stood behind a woman and her young family in a buffet line—all of us waiting to fill our plates. Nothing caught my eye until the woman turned toward me, making her full face visible, showing half her face unmarked and half seared with burn scars. An additional quick scan took in scars on the exposed parts of her right forearm and hands; she walked with a limp. I also noticed the easy manner the woman and family related to each other. In the seconds viewing the woman’s scars and her family, I imagined a story of trauma and recovery.

It is nearing ten years since I saw the woman in the buffet line, and while I never learned her story, I often think of her scars and how I came to see them: hidden at first, then visible when she turned to full view. For this woman, a piece of her story was available for others to see and I’ve often wondered what people would look like if faces showed the many scars of traumas and pain experienced in daily living. Would scars serve as a reminder that pain from trauma and loss is not quickly or easily healed? Would we feel less isolated and alone in our pain if it were easily seen on the outside?

Three years ago, a friend knocked on my Samaritan Center office door at Bellevue Presbyterian Church’s Upper Campus, interrupting a meeting to find out if I had heard from my daughter, Katie — was she safe? At that moment, Seattle Pacific University, the school my daughter attended, was on lockdown and there was a shooter on campus. Twenty minutes after the knock, Katie called and reported she was safe after hunkering down in a nearby apartment. While I was quickly relieved for the safety of my daughter, I soon learned the story did not have a happy ending—what shooting does? My daughter, and hundreds of other victims, came out without visible scars, but the pain did not stop—has not stopped—for many. Two of the shooter’s victims were wounded, and one young man, who was a dear friend to many, died. Many others—untouched by bullets—have invisible scars on the inside. Two years later, many continue to feel the pain.

As a Marriage and Family Therapist at Samaritan Center, I spend most of my workdays listening to stories of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual pain. The issues cover a range of topics including recovery and healing from various traumas. Trauma events, like the shooting at SPU, often impact individuals long after the event, and long after friends and families think it should. Perhaps one of the difficulties in healing from trauma is that many wounds are on the inside, invisible to others. Months and years after the event, individuals may experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress, anxiety, panic, and depression. The same is true for emotional and spiritual pain of any cause—we feel the pain, but our faces may not show it, especially when taught to hide the pain from others.

I’m thankful for the Psalmists who wrote about both their joys and laments. I’m also thankful for modern Christian writers who have shared their personal traumas and grief—Gerry Sittser and C.S. Lewis to name two. The stories of grief validate both the feelings of wanting to quickly “get over it” and the experience that grief and pain pay no attention to our desire. In order to heal from traumas, we need to move through the pain, as the way to move forward, weaving the event and impact into our daily life and faith. Individuals often come to counseling when help from family and friends has been exhausted, and when working through the pain on their own is ot enough.

Understanding Childhood Grief

Loss affects all people – children and adults – in profound and unique ways. One interesting and often challenging feature of grief is that it is a personal, subjective experience – no two people’s experiences of grief, even over the same loss, are the same. It is, therefore, important that parents and caregivers work to understand their children’s possible grieving. Then can a child receive the support they might not know how to ask for, and feel understood when they are in an emotional state that can feel foreign, confusing and uncomfortable.

In anticipation of or following a loss, the following guidelines can help facilitate a child’s grieving in a way that promotes healthy development. Symptoms can vary in children, from sadness to anger and irritability, loss of appetite, and difficulty sleeping. Understand that no loss is too great or too small to grieve. The experience of loss is relative to the person, so the death of a pet can be as painful as the death of a loved family member. What causes grief can be different for every child.

Answer all questions and tell the truth. When a child is curious, give him or her answers in ways that are clear and easy to understand. The less a child has to wonder, the less he or she is likely to rely on fantasy or imagination, which often can cause anxiety. Difficult feelings are actually opportunities. While it can be difficult to see a child feeling sad or in pain, resist the urge to “make it better.” Instead, join in the sharing of their hard feelings, helping to name the feelings when that is possible.

Remember, the goal is not to “get over” a loss, but rather to learn how to live with the reality of it in healthy ways. There is no timeline. Understand that grief is a personal process that requires working through very difficult feelings. Rushing this process can get in the way, unintentionally drawing the grief out longer than it needs to be.