Individual counseling can be helpful in dealing with many life problems, including understanding and managing the symptoms of depression and anxiety, healing from abuse and trauma, coping with grief and loss, moving through life transitions, strengthening relationships, exploring workplace and career concerns, and dealing with addiction and dependency.

Getting Started

Visit the Find a Therapist page. From this list of Samaritan’s clinical staff, you can click on a therapist’s name to go to his/her personal page for information about their experience, training, specialties, location and availability.
Learn about our Locations of our counseling offices, including the names of therapists who work at that location.
To make an appointment or contact a therapist, use their contact information or call (206) 527-2266.

New Client Intake Forms

After arranging an appointment with a therapist, you may complete the new client intake forms in one of two ways: (1) when you come to your first appointment (come a few minutes early to allow time for that) or (2) by printing the forms ahead of time to bring with you.
If you want to complete the forms in advance, download the forms from the therapist’s profile page.