Renewed Resolutions

on January 17th. We know that the vast majority of people will not keep their resolutions: in fact, a study from found that 43% of people begin the year already anticipating that they will give up by the end of the month. Many people decide to give up altogether, resigned that things cannot and will never change. In many ways, the phenomenon of New Year’s resolutions reflects the larger process of change we experience as humans. Even though we have a desire to grow, change is hard. It’s hard…

Renewed Resolutions

New Year’s Resolution Day falls on January 17th. We know that the vast majority of people will not keep their resolutions: in fact, a study from found that 43% of people begin the year already anticipating that they will give up by the end of the month. Many people decide to give up altogether, resigned that things cannot and will never change. In many ways, the phenomenon of New Year’s resolutions reflects the larger process of change we experience as humans. Even though we have a desire to grow,…

Interview with James L. Furrow, PhD

…are we doing it and what’s the value here? Is it just satisfaction? Is that all I’m looking for, or is there some deeper meaning? I think it’s essential that we have a way to talk about these existential questions in the client’s language and from their perspective—honoring the importance of communities, religious communities, for example. And for me, there is something more, something that comes from my core, from my own Christian understanding. And that is that there is a promise. It’s not just purpose, it’s not just a…

Interview with James L. Furrow, PhD

…direction. What are we doing here and why are we doing it and what’s the value here? Is it just satisfaction? Is that all I’m looking for, or is there some deeper meaning? I think it’s essential that we have a way to talk about these existential questions in the client’s language and from their perspective—honoring the importance of communities, religious communities, for example. And for me, there is something more, something that comes from my core, from my own Christian understanding. And that is that there is a promise….

A Season of Lent

…are finite; the planet is increasingly inhospitable; and the stability of our institutions cannot be taken for granted. A Christian response over the centuries has been, after Ash Wednesday, to enter into a season of preparation and reflection in anticipation of Easter. This time of preparation, the season of Lent, is an invitation to “get real.” The logic of it goes something like this: If Easter is to be an occasion of deliverance for us, from the consequences of our own failings—personal, national, global—then we must see unblinkingly and then…

Sacred Space

…exploring something interesting and important. New information that is coming from a different perspective echoes something I’ve heard before. In different language, a different setting, perhaps, but a kind of intersection of similar messages. For example, right now—as I puzzle over how to live in this world of 2022—I’m standing in the intersection of a succession of voices… Brooks, Oliver, Niebuhr, Stockdale, and Kimmerer. In a recent PBS Newshour, David Brooks spoke of this time as “an atmosphere of menace.” That helped explain the heaviness, the dread, that I feel…

The Insurance Dilemma

…copay could pay for more than a month’s worth of weekly sessions for the same amount of money. However, the issue is that, should a therapist panel with an insurance provider, their rate is set through a contract with that company. Often, these rates are locked and substantially lower than the aforementioned $160, meaning a therapist may forego half their potential earning for a session if the client is to be allowed to access their insurance benefits. The gap between cost of living and insurance payout has caused many mental…

I Will Not Give Up

…and hardy. Upon close investigation, however, it was found that these were not ordinary shrubs. The formation of needles, etc., was identical with that of the trees farther down; as a matter of fact, they looked like branches of the other trees. When one actually examined them, the astounding revelation was that they were branches. For, hugging the ground, following the shape of the terrain, were trees that could not grow upright, following the pattern of their kind. Instead, they were growing as vines grow along the ground, and what…

Pursuing a New Horizon

…to providing substantial access for the region. Our Board of Directors and staff will soon gather to imagine and plan for our future, a future funded in part by the gift of the property by the Presbytery. In the midst of this planning, we know one thing for certain: We know that we will continue to offer spiritually-integrated mental health services with a commitment to affordability for all who reach out to us. This pledge is the core of our agency. In the words of our founder, Rev. Neal Kuyper,…

Private: Pursuing a New Horizon

of Directors and staff will soon gather to imagine and plan for our future, a future funded in part by the gift of the property by the Presbytery. In the midst of this planning, we know one thing for certain: We know that we will continue to offer spiritually-integrated mental health services with a commitment to affordability for all who reach out to us. This pledge is the core of our agency. In the words of our founder, Rev. Neal Kuyper, “be the Gospel in Action.” true 1712121680:13 13 default…