Ongoing Care Available with Teletherapy

…my insurance cover teletherapy? In most cases, yes. Fortunately, Medicare covers teletherapy sessions and insurers (including employee health plans) must reimburse a provider for services delivered through telemedicine or store-and-forward when the service is “medically necessary” (a standard that also applies to in-person therapy services). Note that only video conferencing (and not phone calls) will be covered by insurance. To ensure coverage, please enquire directly with your insurance provider about your plan’s teletherapy (tele-mental health) benefits.   What will I need in order to get started with teletherapy? You will…

Do We Need an Alternative to Self-Esteem?

and healing. To get a brief intro to her work, check out her TED talk on, As I have come to advocate for the value of self-compassion—in contrast to a primary focus on self-esteem—I become aware that its roots extend into the depth of my faith. I understand that we, you and I, share a common humanity and a common dignity as God’s creatures. That dignity lies not in some perfection that we have realized but in the path that we ascend together, accepting ourselves and one another…

“Lockdown,” a Poem by Franciscan Richard Hendrick

Here is a poem from an Irish Franciscan, Richard Hendrick, written March 13, 2020. Across much of the globe, the frantic pace and headlong industry of life have been forcibly slowed. Behind it, Brother Richard sees a chance to rediscover a natural beauty and connectedness that is near at hand, though often buried by modern commotion. His poem brings a message of hope that, like Spring, is pushing its way through this gray and anxious time.   Lockdown by Richard Hendrick Yes there is fear. Yes there is isolation. Yes…

EFT & Therapist Training

Therapist Training at Samaritan Center Samaritan Center of Puget Sound is well known for offering on-going trainings for professional therapists. Learn about our Instructors.   Upcoming Events   No events are scheduled at this time….

“Hold Me Tight Can Be Good For Couples”

…your own negative patterns of communication in real time. When you can see the patterns, you can change them – transforming problematic interaction into communication that is grounded in mutual respect and creates greater closeness. You can move from “stand-off” to “stand together.” (For a similar and specifically Christian book, see Safe Haven Marriage by Sharon Hart-Morris and Archibald Hart.) More information about Susan Johnson’s book is available at:; Johnson, S. (2008) Hold Me Tight. Lebanon, IN: Hachette Book Group/Little, Brown and Company. 1 1526564161:1 true default news-and-insights-hold-me-tight-can-be-good-for-couples…

Making a Living

for months and months. You might feel crushed, disconnected. More than your income has collapsed; so too, in some cases, has your identity. The employment crisis of “What am I to do?” becomes a spiritual crisis of “Who am I?” Loss of your job can expose an even greater void. The loss of your job has meaning for you. That meaning can be influenced by your stage of life, whether it falls in your early, confidence-building years; or it occurs in your productive and often driven middle phase, or it…

The Nature of Unconditional Love

…that love is your innate state. It is available to you in all moments. Many religions and philosophies agree that the purpose of this life is to love. Jesus summarizes it all: “Love one another.” St. Augustine says, “love, and do what you want.” Buddhism encourages meditation and deep breathing to be at peace and calm which can guide each step of our journey. There is an unconditional love from a Higher Power available to each one of us. Our “job” is to receive this love and let it work…

Samaritan Center COVID-19 Response

…800-525-0127. For tips on how to reduce the risk of spread, read King County’s official recommendations.   If you are in need of additional emotional support at this time, below are resources you can safely access from home: Crisis Connections (24 hours): 866-427-4747 Online 12-Step Recovery meetings: National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1−800−799−7233 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – For youth and adults: (800) 273-TALK (8255) National Eating Disorders Association Helpline: (800) 931-2237 The King County Warm Line: 206-933-7001 true 1584066152:10 10 default 1 News news 1 category 25 2615 1…

Forgiving: A Path for Healing

…are hurt and recall the details of the event. Explore the feelings under the anger (fear, hurt of being abandoned, unloved, etc.). Ask yourself what the hurt meant to you (i.e. what did I tell myself?). Ask yourself, “What do I need now?” Is what you need attainable? Choose to let go of your anger and move toward forgiveness. Ask God to help you through this process. He wants us to be free. Let Him intercede and invite him to heal you. 1 1566429331:10 true default Maria-Teresa (Tita) Subercaseaux news-and-insights-forgiving-a-path-for-healing…

Workshops & Classes

Educational opportunities for those who live and work in the Greater Seattle area Samaritan offers a number of classes in Seattle as well as in other locations around Puget Sound. These are open both to our clients and others in the community. While Samaritan staff members facilitate most classes, we also bring in other speakers or presenters when we feel this will be valuable….