About Us

…therapists, and workshops for the general public. We are: Holistic We believe healing takes place on many levels – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual – and in many ways – individually, relationally and in communities. Faith-Respecting We are an ecumenical Christian community that respects the beliefs of all people. Responsive We search for ways to care for those among us who are in financial need, making our services affordable and accessible. Accountable We are committed to excellence in all that we do, and we are faithful stewards of the resources…

Sacred Space

…of the version we’ve become familiar with. It speaks of things “that must be changed” and the need to “distinguish”—to intentionally discern—when to step back and when to step forward. So much in this troubled, sacred world needs to be changed. I feel like apologizing to God for the mess we’ve made of this beautiful creation. Did God have any idea of the havoc that bestowing free will on human beings would cause? How self-indulgent choices would lead to resounding harm? When we contemplate the enormity of today’s problems, we…

Therapist Corner #2: Postpartum Rage

…Kids and All the Rage: Mothers, Fathers & the Myth of Equal Partnership). While anger in our society is often seen as a dangerous and destructive emotion that should never be expressed (especially for women!), anger often is an indicator of unmet needs, limits that are being pushed past, or boundaries that are being violated. Anger is a signal that there is some threat to you in the environment. The postpartum period is, understandably, a prime time for a mother’s needs to go unmet, and often by necessity. Of course,…

Private: A Message from the Board President

…my conviction that, “This is a season of opportunity for the Samaritan Center.” This belief reflects our moving forward with the sale of the Ravenna property, anticipating added resources and options that the sale will bring, engaging necessary work on our Strategic Plan, envisioning extra resources/possibilities for our therapists, and looking ahead to expanded services and care for youth and families. Together we have the opportunity to create a “new footprint” of the Samaritan Center as an “expression of God’s love and compassion” in seeking “to restore hope, reconcile relationships,…

A Message from the Board President

…of experience, caring and enthusiastic hearts for service, and deep appreciation for the Samaritan mission. We are grateful to Vic agreeing to be elected as the Board’s Treasurer. As I prepared for my time of service as Board President, I took some time to look back at the Samaritan Center’s Mission Statement: “As an expression of God’s love and compassion, we seek to restore hope, reconcile relationships, and participate in the transformation of lives.” Good words, and a strong statement of purpose. At the first Board meeting of the year,…

Meeting the Challenge of the Times

…significant accomplishments along the way. In each of these two years, Samaritan provided approximately 19,000 hours of psychotherapy and psychological assessment, serving about 500 adults and youth each week. We continued our training and consultation with these wonderfully resilient colleagues: Dr. Jeffrey Sung, our consulting psychiatrist; Eric Strom, JD, PhD, in law and ethics; Jim Furrow, PhD, in working with couples and families; Bill Collins, PhD, LMFT, focusing on Internal Family Systems; and Larry Carlson, MSW, working within a psychodynamic frame. We are taking forward our embrace of the Danielsen…

We Can Only Be Human Together

and our spirit? Ubuntu tells us that, as individuals and in community, we can choose to intentionally express to one another respect, dignity, reciprocity, compassion, and mutuality. When we feel overwhelmed by circumstances, it’s hard to know what that would look like. What can just one person do? Mindfulness suggests that, first of all, we should simply pause, taking time to acknowledge what we’re thinking and feeling. As we’re able to accept and calm our anxiety, we will see the situation more clearly. We’ll see the possibilities, where we have…

Book Review- Braiding Sweetgrass

…in service to what matters most.” In this beautifully written book, Kimmerer moves back and forth between stories of relationships with her family and her students, very detailed and scholarly descriptions of the plants she loves and their (and our) endangered environment, and the beloved traditions and wisdom of her elders. She describes the ceremonial giveaway, the minidewak, one of her peoples’ oldest teachings.” Generosity is simultaneously a moral and a material imperative, especially among people who live close to the land and know its waves of plenty and scarcity….

Stepping Out in Faith

…the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” We try to remain confident, to take things a day at a time, but these are terribly uncertain times, and despair is not far away. The pandemic has robbed us of so much, taking lives, separating us, and punishing those most who have the least. Yes, we have learned the practices that can help to keep us healthy: washing,…

Good Faith Estimate

…limited to: Your schedule and life circumstances Your provider’s availability Ongoing life challenges The nature of your specific challenges and how you address them Personal finances You and your provider will continually assess the appropriate frequency of services and will work together to determine when you have met your goals and are ready for discharge and/or a new “Good Faith Estimate” will be issued should your frequency or needs change. For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises true 1646766023:2 2 default 2022-03-06…