Saturday in the Park

Lee Seese and Doug Farnham

It was not the Fourth of July. But it was a real celebration. The Samaritan faithful gathered—in person—at Green Lake park on Saturday, August 26, for a picnic and gabfest. It was also a chance to honor the dedication of those all across the agency and its board who have seen us through to what feels like a new beginning for Samaritan Center.



Peggy Hansen and Deb Thomas

The turnout was strong (nearly 40 strong) if not total. There was retired therapist Michael Rogers; there was Gary Steeves from faraway Spokane; there were Board Chair Lee Seese and two of his compatriots, Doug Farnham and Scott Anderson; and there were recently hired staff members who had never met many of their colleagues in person.

There were also family members, including children; there were games; and there was plenty of summertime picnic food.

Likely no one was happier to see the event come off than Executive Director Beverley Shrumm. In spite of only moderately healthy air quality and numerous folks with conflicting vacation plans, the gathering marked the end of a long dry spell for handshakes and hugs and shared meals and genuine face-to-face conversations. “It was deeply satisfying,” said a smiling Bev Shrumm, “to see people together again and to hear all the excited talking.”