Samaritan - Main Office
564 NE Ravenna Blvd
Seattle, WA 98115

"Engaging Obstacles as Opportunities: Working through Relational Blocks using EFT"

Instructors James Furrow, PhD. and George Faller, MS, LMFT

Registration Closed.


Emotional stuck points are common in relationship distress and can challenge the experienced therapist in working through the rigid responses that are typical with couples and families.  Emotionally Focused Therapy provides resources for transforming these relational obstacles into opportunities for vulnerability and connection.  This workshop focuses on “micro-moves” in the process of working through relational ruptures and rigid positions that increase relational distress in family relationships.  We will guide you through the in’s and outs of common stuck points and key choice points for intervention.  The sessions will sharpen the therapist’s use of emotion as a resource for transforming blocks and engaging more resilient responses used to transform blocks and engage positive emotional resources that result from the process.  Through video examples and practice exercises participants will strengthen their understanding and increase their confidence in working through emotional blocks.  The workshop will include a focus on blocks found in couple and family relationships.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will conceptualize relational blocks as a factor in family patterns of distress.
  2. Participants will identify strategies for working through relational blocks in session.
  3. Participants will apply EFT interventions to access and engage relational blocks in session.
  4. Participants will integrate “micro-moves” into the EFT change process.
  5. Participants will explore the role of emotional resilience as a resource to therapist presence.
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