May 3rd 2025, 12pm-2:30pm, $50 Registration, Guest speaker Kurt Hoelting, author of Apprentice to the Wild

We Are Not Alone

Samaritan Gathering & Fundraising Luncheon


Saturday, May 3rd, 2025 at Newport Presbyterian Church
From 12pm-2:30pm

Friends of Samaritan Center, the agency staff, and board of directors invite you to join us for our first face-to-face gathering since 2019! For many of you, it will be a chance to see long-time friends; for others, a chance to become better acquainted with us and our mission.

After a catered 12pm lunch, we will hear from Kurt Hoelting, as he shares insights and engages us in discussion. Guests will receive a copy of his new book, Apprentice to the Wild, a collection of timely and personal essays that speak to the spiritual, environmental, and cultural challenges of our times. The gathering will wrap up at 2:30pm.

$50 Registration Fee to cover cost of event.
Registration will open March 25th, 2025 and will be linked here.


Accessibility Information:


Ample parking, including official wheelchair accessible spaces as well as courtesy spaces reserved for those who may struggle to walk across a large parking lot. There is a drop-off zone at the entrance.

Entrances & Doorways:

Entrance is on flat ground with no steps. Doors can open as double doors to accommodate extra wide mobility aids. Very spacious main foyer with double-door entrance into fellowship hall.


Accessible restrooms and associated hallways are built to standard wheelchair specifications.

Seating & Mobility Aids:

You can comfortably remain in or with your mobility aid for the duration of the event. Seating will be provided at every stage for those who need it. There are cushioned seats available.

Hearing Impaired & Deaf Community:

Our facility has Bluetooth syncing capability for hearing aids. Our speaker will have a slideshow, and printed materials will be available. The room is small enough to read lips if you prefer to do so. We have not arranged a sign-language interpreter, but are open to recommendations. Please indicate in your registration any ways we can improve your access and enjoyment of our event.

Immunocompromised Community:

The luncheon will be in a room with high ceilings, and one wall lined with windows we can open. We will bring 2 air filtration devices, but the building itself does not have HEPA-grade air filtration. Masking will not be required, but it will be encouraged in the buffet line and some individuals may choose to mask after they finish eating.

Neurodivergent Community:

The venue has a large foyer with cozy chairs in conversation nooks for those who may need a quiet moment. The event program will be available prior to the luncheon and during it. We will not have loud music or flashing lights, but our speaker will use a microphone. We will have pens and some paper available, but you are welcome to bring your own notebook to doodle in during Kurt Hoelting’s talk. Fidget toys welcome, so long as they are quiet and do not interrupt our speaker. If you have additional access needs, please share them when you register.

Vision Impaired & Blind Community:

The event will primarily be speech and discussion. If you prefer an audiobook version of Apprentice to the Wild, please indicate it on your registration. Electronic communications about the event will have text-to-speech software compatibility. Please contact our main office at (206) 527-2266 if you need assistance with registration.