A Message from the Board President


Greetings. As we begin the new year, I wish to begin by thanking those who finished their terms of service and responsibilities on the Board of Directors: Rev. Lee Seese as outgoing President, Mr. Doug Farnham as outgoing Treasurer, and Ms. Liz Covey. Each served the Center and the Board faithfully. I greatly appreciate them for their insights, leadership, friendship, and care.

I want to welcome two new members to the Board: Ms. Peggy Hansen and Mr. Vic Tomono. Each brings a wealth of experience, caring and enthusiastic hearts for service, and deep appreciation for the Samaritan mission. We are grateful to Vic agreeing to be elected as the Board’s Treasurer.

As I prepared for my time of service as Board President, I took some time to look back at the Samaritan Center’s Mission Statement:

“As an expression of God’s love and compassion, we seek to restore hope,
reconcile relationships, and participate in the transformation of lives.”

Good words, and a strong statement of purpose. At the first Board meeting of the year, I shared with my fellow Board members my conviction that, “This is a season of opportunity for the Samaritan Center.” This belief reflects our moving forward with the sale of the Ravenna property, anticipating added resources and options that the sale will bring, engaging necessary work on our Strategic Plan, envisioning extra resources/possibilities for our therapists, and looking ahead to expanded services and care for youth and families.

Together we have the opportunity to create a “new footprint” of the Samaritan Center as an “expression of God’s love and compassion” in seeking “to restore hope, reconcile relationships, and participate in the transformation of lives.” Therefore, it is my personal hope that the Center’s Mission Statement continues to be an integral part of our conversations and decision-making. It connects us to our rich history and informs our present dialogue—dreaming and leading and guiding us into the future and its possibilities.

Rob Caudillo