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Anne Perry, EdD, MA, LMHC
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
West Seattle Professional Building
Beth Hess, MS, MSW, LCSW
Currently not accepting new clients
Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Beverley Shrumm, MC, LMHC
Currently not accepting new clients
Families, Individuals, and Marriage & Couples
Samaritan - Main Office
Bill Collins, MS, MA, PhD, LMFT
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Colleen Kelley, MC, LMHC
Currently not accepting new clients
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, Teletherapy, and Youth & Children
Samaritan - Main Office
Deb Thomas, MS, LMFT
Currently not accepting new clients
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Bellevue Presbyterian Church
Eric Stroo, MA, LMHC
Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Bellevue Presbyterian Church and Samaritan - Main Office
Gary Steeves, MEd, LMHC
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
First Presbyterian Church of Spokane
Grace Carpenter, MS, LMHC
Individuals and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Heather Macdonald, MA, PsyD
Currently not accepting new clients
Individuals, Teletherapy, and Youth & Children
Bellevue Presbyterian Church and Samaritan - Main Office
Isaiah Lin, MA, PsyD
Assessments, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, Teletherapy, and Youth & Children
Bellevue Presbyterian Church and Samaritan - Main Office
Jim Ramsey, MA, LMHC
Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Jocelyn Skillman, MA, LMHC
Currently not accepting new clients
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, Teletherapy, and Youth & Children
John Baumann, MDiv, LMHC
Currently not accepting new clients
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, Teletherapy, and Youth & Children
St. Stephen the Martyr Parish
Jonathan Siehl, MDiv, MA, MSW, LCSW
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Katherine Yoder, MA, LMHC
Currently not accepting new clients
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Kay Abramson, MS, LMFT
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Kimberly Snow, PsyD
Currently not accepting new clients
Individuals and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
March Gunderson, MDiv, MEd, LMHC
Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Maria-Teresa (Tita) Subercaseaux, MS, LMFT
Currently not accepting new clients
Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office
Mark Houglum, PhD, LMFT
Currently not accepting new clients
Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Eastgate - St. Andrew's Lutheran Church and Samaritan - Main Office
Mary Kay Brennan, DSW, MSW, LICSW
Currently not accepting new clients
Individuals, Teletherapy, and Youth & Children
Samaritan - Main Office
Mary Stanton-Nurse, MA, LMFTA
Families, Individuals, Low-Fee Clinic, Marriage & Couples, Teletherapy, and Youth & Children
Samaritan - Main Office
Matthew Percy, PsyD
Families, Marriage & Couples, Teletherapy, and Youth & Children
Samaritan - Main Office
Michael Rogers, MDiv, MA, LMFT
Currently not accepting new clients
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Samaritan - Main Office and Shoreline Free Methodist Church
Natividad Lamug, MA, LMFT, EMMHS
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Teletherapy
Rainier Beach Presbyterian Church and Samaritan - Main Office
Neal Teng, PhD
Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Youth & Children
Eastgate - St. Andrew's Lutheran Church and Samaritan - Main Office
Rob Erickson, MS, LMFT
Families, Individuals, Marriage & Couples, and Youth & Children
Samaritan - Main Office and West Side Presbyterian Church