Re-entry from Covid

There’s a feeling of uncertainty, a forgetting of how everyday relationship with the outside world is done.

GiveBIG: Washington Gives 2021

Participate in this year’s GiveBIG campaign

Stepping Out in Faith

by Eric Stroo

These days we are all walking on water.

I Will Not Give Up

by Howard Thurman, from his book "Meditations of the Heart"

“I will use to the full every resource in me and about me to answer life with life.”

Healing Depression: How It Begins

by Gary Steeves

Especially during these challenging times, it is important for us all to be gentle with ourselves and with eachother.

The Magic of Listening

When couples are able to shift their attention to listening, they can increase their ability to truly understand each other.

“Lockdown,” a Poem by Franciscan Richard Hendrick

Hendricks brings a message of hope that, like Spring, is pushing its way through this gray and anxious time.

Ongoing Care Available with Teletherapy

Teletherapy is a valuable solution, enabling us to continue serving while maintaining physical distance.

Samaritan Center COVID-19 Response

We care deeply about continuing to offer a safe and healthy environment to all who walk through our doors. We will continue to monitor the situation as it evolves and post updates here.

What is Family Constellations Therapy?

by Kay Abramson

Family Constellation work in the tradition of Bert Hellinger considers the family system of an individual as it relates to their wellbeing.

The Nature of Unconditional Love

by Gary Steeves

These quieter times offer an opportunity for reflection on the love that exists in our lives.

What (Really) is Mindfulness?

by Eric Stroo
by Jonas Batt

When we are present and aware in the face of what life offers us, we experience greater wellbeing, no matter the situation.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

by Anne Perry

What’s in your ‘Emotional Bank Account’? Counselor Anne Perry explains Stephen Covey’s famous habits for success.

A Kid’s Guide to Play Therapy

by Matthew Percy

Dr. Matt Percy is a licensed clinical psychologist at Samaritan Center. Read to learn more about child-directed, psychoanalytic play therapy.

Love and Imperfection

It’s about what we do when we realize we’re not perfect, and they’re not, and nothing is.